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Rules for using Warp It

Rules for using Warp It

To make sure the transfers of ownership are efficient legal and safe, the following rules should be followed- as well as the Donation Agreement. 

1. This site is for University owned items. Personal items cannot be listed for, nor can University-owned items be claimed for personal use. 

2. It is recommended that the Claiming Party makes an appointment with the Contributing Party to view the goods before loaning them to ensure they are fit for purpose

3. The contributing party must ensure that:

• Items will be described accurately and all items offered for exchange are in full working order. 

• A  PF306 Hazards in Laboratories form must be completed and attached to scientific equipment within a hazardous area (PC2 Laboratories, Animal Houses, Chemical Store, Glasshouses, Quarantine, Insectaries and Aquaria facilities, and Radiation Cold rooms). 

• All advertisements for items to be offered for transfer must be authorised by the contributing party’s Financial Delegate or Manager.

• If a claimed item is on the UniFi asset register, the contributing party must organise transfer of the asset before it is removed. Information on transferring assets can be found here.

4. The Claiming Party acknowledges when taking ownership of items that:

• The donated goods will be for the use of UQ only.

• When items are offered for reuse, the claimant of the item must arrange and cover the cost of collection.  

• It must ensure that the donated goods are safe and fit for their purpose. All electrical equipment must be electrically safe. Refer to the see the Guideline for Purchase and Acquisition of Electrical Equipment at UQ.

• It accepts the donated goods entirely at its own risk. 

• It confirms that they have received the required authority or permission, from an authorised person in their department, to claim the item.

• It is recommended in all cases that claimants make an appointment to view the products of interest before committing to ownership. It is important that claimants satisfy themselves that the products meet with their approval. 

• If the claimant no longer wants an item after claiming, it is up to them to re-list it.  

5. The Claiming Party acknowledges when loaning items that:

• Any equipment loaned is the responsibility of the Claiming Party while it is in their possession. The Claiming Party must take appropriate care to ensure the equipment is secure while it is in their possession.

• It is responsible for collecting any loaned equipment at the start of the loan period and returning it to the Contributing Party at the expiry of the loan period. 

• It must ensure that the donated goods are safe and fit for their purpose. All electrical equipment must be electrically safe. Refer to the see the Guideline for Purchase and Acquisition of Electrical Equipment at UQ.

• It must not sell or part with possession or control of the equipment at any time during the period of loan.

• It must not add to, alter, modify, adapt or interfere with in any way any item of equipment, nor will they allow any other party to do so.

• It will notify the Contributing Party immediately should the equipment be stolen, lost or damaged in any way.

• It has received the required authority from the Claiming Party’s Manager.  





What our customers are saying

I think the idea of reusing things and passing them on rather than them going to waste is great.

It gives a place for everyone to look rather than loads of emails flying around!

Anon, Nottingham Trent University

Have been able to stock up on much needed stationery at no cost!

It feels good to be saving things from waste too!

Anon, University of Brighton

Quick and easy to navigate around the system.

Substantial cost saving to the Trust!

Janet Grundy , Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.